Our Process and How We can Help You
We can conduct a detailed evaluation of your case; explain your viable options; work with and advise your CPA, attorney, accountant, or tax preparer; handle the civil and criminal tax litigation; try to solve your tax collection problem; act as a consultant to your bankruptcy attorney; try to prevent a criminal investigation and prosecution; and defend you in a criminal tax case. We are experienced to handle “cradle to grave” audit to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Initial Consultation/Evaluation
For an initial consultation/evaluation, we require the client to fill out a short questionnaire and prepare a brief chronology. We then review the facts prior to the conference, saving Q&A time during the consultation and allowing us to “hit the ground running.” We are thus able to spend initial consultation time with the client exploring in detail the client’s options and our recommendations.
Full Evaluation
Extremely complex cases and most criminal cases generally require a full evaluation, which includes gathering information, reviewing documents, calculating and crunching numbers, applying facts to various options available, and coming up with potential short-term and long-term solutions.
Criminal Case Responsibility Options
It is important that you hire someone to represent you NOW if you have not yet done so. Our responsibility in the case can vary: we can do everything from taking on full responsibility for the case, to acting as a consultant to you proceeding pro se, or acting as a consultant to your local counsel, including court-appointed counsel. Retainer and fees vary depending on responsibility.
Our Expectations of Our Clients
Our obligation to our clients includes giving written opinions of options and expected results. We advise clients of the law, keep clients informed as necessary, and manage the case. In order to meet our obligations and serve the client efficiently, we require our clients to meet their obligations, which include:
To complete fully and accurately any questionnaire and/or other charts; i.e., do their “homework;”
Supply accurate, updated, timely information, in writing;
Respond promptly to attorney requests for additional information;
Understand what is to be accomplished; if not understood, ask the attorney or legal assistant;
Attend court as and when necessary;
Keep attorney advised, in writing, of changed circumstances; e.g., address/phone; loss or change of job or financial condition.
We strongly encourage you to know and understand your rights: Know Your Rights ...
Our Fees
We accept nearly all legal forms of payment, such as: bank deposit or wire transfer; credit cards; cash (in U.S. dollars or other fiat currencies such as euro, Swiss Francs, and British Pounds); gold, silver, and other precious metals; diamonds and other gemstones; Karatbars; cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin; and in kind (real estate, automobiles, etc.), depending upon the needs of our clients and the circumstances.
Fees may be value based, hourly, fixed according to services to be provided, or contingent. The specific fee will vary depending upon the particular matter to be handled for each client, taking into consideration factors such as: time, novelty & difficulty, skill required, amount involved, responsibility, and preclusion of other employment.
Criminal cases are generally charged by fixed fee plus costs. Civil cases are generally hourly plus costs. Contingency fees are generally limited to credit card debt settlement: the fee is a percentage of the gross recovery (before deduction for expenses) & the client is liable for expenses and a fixed monthly fee regardless of outcome.
The Retainer
While we generally request an up-front fee or “retainer” which is to be applied as a credit against fees and costs, all monies received are “earned when paid” minimum fees and immediately become property of the firm. The up-front fee or "retainer" is used a credit toward hourly rate. There are no refunds or abatements.
In complex cases, we generally charge a flat fee just to accept responsibility for the case, and in addition require an up-front fee or "retainer" which becomes a credit to the client’s account at the hourly rates. Clients must read and understand the contract before signing. A written contract is mandatory; understand your obligations.