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The MacPhersons have published several tax and legal books as well as other books demonstrating their passion for liberty, Christian heritage, and constitutional rule of law. Below are books by them and their advisers and associates.

How To Stick It To


Author: Sherry Peel Jackson

As a retired CPA and CFE, and a former IRS Agent Sherry Jackson has seen thousands of financial disasters occur at the hands of IRS auditors. In this book, with a chapter by Mac, she provides advice on how to stay clean.


Church Wealth,
Ministry Health

Author: Sherry Peel Jackson, MACS

Former IRS church examiner and current church Chief Financial Officer Sherry Peale Jackson is an expert on church taxation. Nathan is her tax attorney and has represented churches, pastors, and congregants with various IRS issues; final chapter by Nathan.


Tax Fraud & Evasion: The War Stories

Author: Donald W. (Mac) MacPherson

“Thanks, Nathan. I just finished reading your Dad’s book “War Stories” and I really, really loved it. I wish I could go back in time and meet him in the 80’s. How things would be different for us today.”



April 15th: The Most Pernicious Attack Upon English Liberties

Author: Donald W. (Mac) MacPherson

Mac tells some of the history of the "Sons of Liberty" and government tyranny, linking the modern "information return" to the self-confessing liquor tax in Colonial days, said at the time to be "the most pernicious attack upon English liberties."


Secrets Exposed: Eliminate Income Tax Debts Through Bankruptcy

Author: Donald W. (Mac) MacPherson

Ever been told that income tax debts cannot be discharged in bankruptcy? Wrong! Mac literally wrote the book on this, exposing the secret that, "contrary to popular belief, income tax debts can be discharged in bankruptcy!"

To Order Call  800-BEAT-IRS


Natural Law: A Lutheran Reappraisal

Author: Dr. Ryan C. MacPherson

Ryan wrote chapter 11, "The Natural Law of the Family," describing the role of the family among the three estates of family, church, and state.


Rediscovering the American Republic

Author: Dr. Ryan C. MacPherson

As history professor at Bethany Lutheran College, Ryan could not identify a textbook in print that accurately set forth American history; all had been compromised by liberal bias. So he wrote his own: A People’s Quest for Ordered Liberty, Volumes One & Two


Telling the Next Generation

Author: Dr. Ryan C. MacPherson

Education is important to the MacPhersons, as is evidenced by the fact that all three of Mac's sons have homeschooled their children. In this book, Ryan explores the Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s Vision for Christian Education.


The Culture of Life

Author: Dr. Ryan C. MacPherson

Some four decades after Roe v. Wade, legislation to criminalize "abortion" is being introduced around the country. Here Ryan discusses "Ten Essential Principles for Christian Bioethics."


Studying Luther's Large Catechism

Author: Dr. Ryan C. MacPherson

Ryan is chair of the history department at Bethany Lutheran College (ELS). Most Lutherans are familiar with Luther's Small Catechism; here Ryan provides a workbook for studying the Large Catechism.


Elevator: A short novel about life

Author: B. Scott MacPherson

This book is a recreation, in a different setting, of how Scott came to grips with the problem of suffering, while standing in and sleeping in and walking through his daughter’s pediatric cancer ward. The conversations are very real, except that no one was actually stuck in a broken elevator.

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